Research Article

Identification of Partitions in a Homogeneous Activity Group Using Mobile Devices

Algorithm 5

Majority voting-based clustering algorithm.
Input: test set of time series on mobile devices under activity , selected sensing modalities in each set of time series
Output: device groups in each group identification time window
(1) for each device pair   do
(2)   ;
(3) end for
(4) for    do
(5)   Initialize group affiliation matrix ;
(6)   for each device pair   do
(7)    Compute ;
(8)    if    then
(9)     ;
(10)    ;
(11)   else
(12)    ;
(13)   end if
(14)  end for
(15)  Apply DJ-Cluster algorithm on matrix ;
(16) end for
(17) for each device pair   do
(18)  Apply majority voting to the clusters generated by the sensing modalities in ;
(19) end for