Research Article

Energy Efficient Data Dissemination in Multi-UAV Coordinated Wireless Sensor Networks

Algorithm 4

Route rehabilitation and maintenance.
()    Input: current routing state
()    while  (transmission != end)  do
()     check for next hop
()     if  (next hop == false)  then
()      check for current attraction value
()      if  (Conditions (9) and (15)) == true  then
()       perform re-announcements and re-route
()      else
()       check for next node which is not selected earlier
()    mark the node and check for degree of connectivity
()    if  (slots available == true)  then
()     connect and proceed
()     exit(0)
()    else
()     select node with next in the order of attraction
()     reduce the number of outgoing and incoming connections
()     check for steps ()–()
()    end if
()   end if
()  end if
() end while