Research Article

Improved Object Proposals with Geometrical Features for Autonomous Driving

Figure 3

Single feature results: the first row is the recall versus IOU curve on 500 proposals while the second row is curve of the recall versus the number of proposals on different IOU threshold. For Car the IOU threshold is 0.7, and it is 0.5 for Cyclist and Pedestrian. We analyze the original results and the four proposed features independently to observe the usefulness of these features. We find that all the four proposed features work better than the original result when we just use a single feature to generate the proposals. With experiments on the three objects we find that D2R is the most useful feature while our proposed feature SD2 ranks second. DMD have similar performance with SD2, because they both catch the constancy of object size in real-world. AR is also a useful feature.
(a) Car
(b) Cyclist
(c) Pedestrian