Research Article

A Mobile Network Planning Tool Based on Data Analytics

Algorithm 3

GA scheme.
Input:   Initial population (),
    size of (),
    the tuned model (model),
    number of generations (),
    rate of elitism ,
    rate of mutation
Output: solution
for   to   do
  // Return the value of average QoS describing the fitness of each individual
  for all    do
   average QoS    evalNetPerformance(, model)
  end for
  // Elitism based selection
  select the best solutions
  // Crossover
  number of crossover
  for   to   do
    randomly select two solutions and
    generate by arithmetic crossover to and
  end for
  // Mutation
  for   to   do
    mutate each parameter of under the rate and generate a new solution
  end for
  // The GA keeps on iterating until the new solution reaches the performance target.
end for
return the best solution