Research Article

A New Theoretical Approach: A Model Construct for Fault Troubleshooting in Cloud Computing

Algorithm 1

A proposed algorithm for transforming numerical data to binning.
Input: Metrics_values , mean, m, r,    //mean[] is a list of summation columns by
n. num. index generated from step 1, calculated from
Eq. (10), and are predetermined statistically
in this experiment and , where, is
the value range [], is equal-sized bins
indexed from 0 to . // size of look-back
window index for row table for normalized
values table. //num of the number of
components metrics index for column
normalized values table. //Normalized is
the normalization values table. //Bin is the
a bin index data binning table. //Filtering-
dataset is function algorithm to remove and
process outliner and noises data.
Output: Data binning table.
() For  , ; i++ do
()  For  , <= num,   j++  do
()   Normalized = Metrices_values/mean
()   If  Normalized  then
()      = m
()   else
()     =TRANC(Normlized/(r/m))
()  End for
() End for
() Data_binning=Filtering-dataset(Bin)
() End Function return (Data_binning).