Research Article

HotSpot Thermal Floorplan Solver Using Conjugate Gradient to Speed Up

Algorithm 1

: The conjugate gradient algorithm as an iterative method.
Require: f(x): objective function; x0: initial solution;
Ensure: optimal x
(1)int Iter = 0;
(2)double α, β, rp, rpold, bnorm, rnorm;
(3)vector r, p, q, z;
(4)initial r = b ? A ? x;
(5)rnorm = (r,r);
(6)while (rnorm < precision) do
(7)if using preconditioned then
(8)  z = M−1r; (using difference preconditioned)
(10)  z = r; (no preconditioned)
(11)end if
(12) rp = (r,z);
(13)if Iter == 1 then
(14)  p0 = z
(16)  β = rp/rpold;
(17)  p = z + β p
(18)end if
(19)  q = A p;
(20)  α = (r,z)/(p,q);
(21)  x = x + α p;
(22)  r = rα q;
(23)  rnorm = (r,r);
(24)  rpold = rp;
(25)end while