Review Article

WearableDL: Wearable Internet-of-Things and Deep Learning for Big Data Analytics—Concept, Literature, and Future

Figure 4

The simplified research roadmap for DL: (past) how it was inspired by visual cortex research, (present) how it is related to wearable IoT and big data analytics, and (future) how it is connected to cortical learning. The related works mentioned/included in this figure are the following: visual cortex by Hubel and Wiesel [38]; neocognitron by Fukushima and Miyake [39]; Backprop by Rumelhart et al. [24]; CNN (deep learning) by LeCun et al. [13]; Capsule networks by Sabour et al. [40]; STDP-backprop by Bartunov et al. [41]; HTM (cortical learning) by Hawkins et al. [16].