Research Article

CAMeL: A Self-Adaptive Framework for Enriching Context-Aware Middlewares with Machine Learning Capabilities

Listing 2

iPOJO module able to detect faces in images consumed from an SEDA queue.
(1)public class HumanBodyProcessor implements Processor {
(2)private CvHaarClassifierCascade classifier = new CvHaarClassifierCascade (cvLoad (“body.xml”));
(3)public void process (Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
(4)  //getting image raw data
(5)  ImageData imageData = exchange.getIn ().getBody (ImageData.class);
(6)  //… rgb to gray conversion
(7)   //classification of bodies in the image via OpenCV API
(8)  CvSeq bodies = cvHaarDetectObjects (grayImage, classifier, storage, 1.1, 10);
(9)  int total = bodies ();
(10)  LabelData labelData = new LabelData (“body”, total);
(11)  //send classification label to the awareness layer
(12)  producer.sendBody (“seda:label”, labelData);
(13) }