Research Article

A Heterogeneous IoV Architecture for Data Forwarding in Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication

Table 1

A summary of notations used throughout the paper.


dprocThe processing delay is the time that a node spends processing a packet
dqueueThe queuing delay is the time required to put an entire packet into the communication media multiplied by an average length of the queue
DaDelay requirement of the application
dltetotalTotal delay of the LTE interface
dwavetotalTotal delay of the WAVE interface
D(m×t)Delay availability matrix for single hop communication
dk,nε D(m×t)The delay of network interface k at time n
BBandwidth of the network interface
BwifiBandwidth of the WiFi interface
B(m × t)Network availability matrix for single hop communication
cUnit cost
ckε C(m)Unit cost of any network interface k
S(m×t)Network scheduling according to interface m in time slot t
NnNetwork utilization of the interface
NinclteNetwork utilization of the LTE interface
NincwaveNetwork utilization of the WAVE interface
MThe number of network interfaces
dtotal,kTotal delay of the selected network interface k
TThe number of time slot periods
dtransThe transmission delay is the time required to put an entire packet into the communication media
dpropThe propagation delay is the time required for a packet to reach from vehicle to the RAU divided by propagation speed of the media or speed of light
dtotalTotal delay
dwifitotalTotal delay of the WiFi interface
dwifitotalTotal delay of the WiFi interface
dwavetotalTotal delay of the WAVE interface
dk,nε D(m×t)The delay of network interface k at time n
BlteBandwidth of the LTE interface
BwaveBandwidth of the WAVE interface
bk,nε B(m×t)The bandwidth of that network interface k can provide at time n
C(m)Vector of unit cost of all the available network interfaces
C(e)Cost of all network interfaces e
sk,nε S(m×t)Network k selected at time n
NaNetwork utilization by the application
NincwifiNetwork utilization of the WiFi interface
NincSum of bandwidth x delay product of all network interfaces
kCurrent selected network interface
ckUnit cost of selected network interface k
baBandwidth requirement of the application