Research Article

Consumers Team Detection Model Based on Trust for Multi-Level

Algorithm 1

Trust-based algorithm for multilevel local community detection.
Input: Multilayer graph
Output: Local community C for
3:while node
4:; // Utilize formula (9) to obtain the seed node
6:for node do
7:if then // Utilize formulas (5) and (8) to determine whether it is intralayer or interlayer expansion
8:if then // Utilize formulas (3) and (4) to determine the intralayer nodes to be detected
9: // Combine the nodes to be detected to the local community C
10:else // Remove the nodes to be detected to set S
11:end if
12:else // Otherwise, it is interlayer expansion
13:if // Utilize formulas (6) and (7) to determine the interlayer nodes to be detected
14: // Combine the nodes to be detected to the local community C
15:else // Remove the nodes to be detected to set S
16:end if
17:end if
19:: End for
21:end while
22:retrun C