Research Article

A New Cooperative Dual-Level Game Approach for Operator-Controlled Multihop D2D Communications

Table 1

Parameters used in the proposed algorithm.


The set of wireless operators
The set of devices under the operator
The wireless link between and
The set of ’s neighboring devices
The communication cost degree of link
The interference parameter of
The cardinality of
The path loss exponent factor
The path interference factor
The distance between and
The multihop communication flow
, The source and destination device of flow
MThe payment mechanism for the upper-level game
A set of possible outcomes from relay operators
The set of relay operators for the relay service
A set of relay operators to establish a routing path
’s value to a specific outcome
The set of relay devices under the for the service
The next relay device of
’s energy consumption to connect the
The misreport of true valuation function
The incentive payment of
’s utility function
The real cost function of
A vector of except the