Research Article

Optimizing Maximum Monitoring Frequency and Guaranteeing Target Coverage and Connectivity in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks

Algorithm 2

Distributed MFTCC algorithm.
(1)Each sensor node si calculates energy value SE((si, lt)) based on formula (2) and broadcasts the message of energy value SE((si, lt)) to neighbor sensor N(si).
(2)Each node calculates link weight (si, sj) = min(SE(si, lt), SE(sj, lt)), saves it on the basis of the message of energy value SE((si, lt)), and establishes a connection relationship on the basis of the node decomposition.
(3)While each node si covering target node zj first sends a message of constructing transmission path P from si to the sink node by the distributed shortest energy path algorithm based on link weight 1/(si, sj).
(4)Each node si sends an energy information message, min{(si, sj)} si, sj ∈ P, to the sink node.
(5)If the link weight exists, min{(si, sj)} < ERi(sj) + EFi(sj)}, in transmission path P, then  the sink node sends the stop monitoring message to all sensor nodes in the current  monitoring cycle.
(6)Else the sink node calculates the frequency of monitoring each target in the next monitoring  cycle according to the energy information message from all sensor nodes covering the target nodes.
(7)The sink node sends a reverse message of including monitoring times to each sensor  covering the target nodes.
(8)The sensor nodes perform the frequency of monitoring based on the reverse message from the  sink node.
(9)End while