Research Article

Efficient Protection Mechanism Based on Self-Adaptive Decision for Communication Networks of Autonomous Vehicles

Algorithm 2

The algorithm of the efficient response.
For all Ri detected in a TSW
  Calculate AC using equation (4)
  Calculate NPA by equation (5)
  Assign AC level based on calculated AC
  Assign NPA level based on calculated NPA
  Search CVN execution table (Table 1) using AC and NPA levels and identify intrusion responding behavior (RB)
If (RB == full isolation)
   MVN adds the Ri into blacklists and broadcasts AP with RB = full isolation
Then If Ri receives packet from Rj
    If Rj is in blacklist list of Ri, ignore and delete all packets queued from Rj
    Else: handle and process packet
    End If
End If
Else If (RB == attacker bypass)
   MVN momently blacklists Ri and broadcasts AP with RB = attacker bypass
Then If Rj is in moment blacklist list of Ri
     If Ri receives data packet from Rj, ignore and delete RREQ, RREP, and RERR packets from Rj
     End If
     If Ri receives data packet from Rj destined for Rk.
   Ri forwards data packets to Rk
     End If
   Rj deletes route including Rj from its route table
   Else: handle and process packet
    End If
   End If
Else MVN sets RB to no punishment
    End If
  End If
End If