Research Article

Your Knock Is My Command: Binary Hand Gesture Recognition on Smartphone with Accelerometer

Algorithm 1

The pseudocode of bit cutting process.
Input: α, the coefficients of the low-pass filter
β, the coefficients to adjust the fluctuation characteristic
Emax, the user-set maximum cumulative error threshold
Ebavg, the average error of the initial quiet period
Output: A complete gesture signal segment
/ initialization /;
i ← 0, A ← [];
k ← 0, Segment ← [], P ← [];
while Get ith 3-axis acceleration sample: Ax, Ay, Az do
 / signal synthesis and filtering /;
 / SW or SWAB /;
 start ← Segment[k − 1], end ← i − 1;
 ← linear regression to fit a line for A[start: end];
for j = start ⟶ end do
  Ecum ← Ecum + 
if Ecum > Emaxthen
  / a new segment is cut out by SW or SWAB /;
  Segment[k] ← i − 1;
  Eavg ← 1/aiEcum;
  / set the fluctuation characteristic /;
  if Eavg < βEbavgthen
   P[k] ← 0;
   P[k] ← 1;
  / process by merge Algorithm /;
  Segment, P, k ← merge(Segment, P, k);
  / check if a complete segment is cut-out /;
  if [P [0], P [1], P [2]] = [1, 0, 1] then
   TS ← A[0: Segment[0]];
   output TS for recognition;
  k ← k + 1;