Research Article

The Traffic Flow Prediction Method Using the Incremental Learning-Based CNN-LTSM Model: The Solution of Mobile Application

Algorithm 1

IL-TFNet model training algorithm.
Input: , represents the number of samples, , .
Output: IL-TFNet model with certain predictive performance after training.
Phase 1: Initialization phase:
  (1) Training and testing data set initialization: Divide traffic flow data set D into multiple subtraining data sets (D1, D2, ..., Dn 1) and one testing data set (Dn).
  (2) Initialization iterations , Learning rate , Attenuation rate , .
  (3) Initialize first-order momentum and second-order momentum , and the parameter to ensure numerical stability .
  (4) Initialize the CNN parameters of IL-TFNet model: , , .
Phase 2: Incremental training phase:
  (1) while current subtraining data set is not empty do
  (2) while the termination condition is not reached (the model prediction performance is in a bottleneck or reaches a certain iteration round) do
  (3)  Sample the subtraining data set to obtain current batch training data set
  (4)  Calculate gradient based on formula (7):
  (5)  Update iterations
  (6)  Update first-order momentum and second-order momentum: ,
  (7)  Calculate bias correction ,
  (8)  Update model parameters
    end while
  (9) Use the next subtraining data set to train the model in turn
   end while
  (10) return (Model parameters after training)