Research Article

Mobile Information Systems Usage and Doctor-Patient Relationships: An Empirical Study in China

Table 1

Measurement items.

ConstructsMeasure items

Online appointment system use(SU)I Frequently used the online appointment system in the hospital in my previous visits to the hospital.
Without the online appointment system, my hospital visits will be inconvenient.
Other patients I know are also using the online appointment system.

Perceived transparency (TM)With the implementation of online appointment system, I think hospital registration is more open and transparent
With the implementation of online appointment system, I think the hospital registration is more open and transparent than before

Trust in hospital (TH)Based on my experience, I think the hospital I chose is credible
Based on my experience, I think the hospital I chose cares about patients
Based on my experience, I think the hospital I chose is trustworthy

Trust in a doctor (TD)The doctor I see is competent
The doctor I see can do his duty well
The doctor I see knows how to provide good service

Patient satisfaction (PS)When you go to the hospital, are you satisfied with the doctor’s service?

Improvement of doctor-patient relationship (YH)With the implementation of the online appointment system, I feel I have fewer complaints about the hospital.
With the implementation of the online appointment system, I feel the hospital has fewer disputes with patients.
With the implementation of the online appointment system, I feel the patient–doctor relationship is as not as tense as before.