Research Article

An Efficient Method for Online Detection of DRDoS Attacks on UDP-Based Services in SDN Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Table 1

The amplification factor for UDP-based protocol [10].

ProtocolBAFPAFScenarioDescriptionPort (s)

SNMP v26.31.00GetBulk requestMonitoring network-attached devices161
NTP556.93.84Request client statisticsTime synchronization123
DNS54.62.08ANY lookup at authorDomain name resolution53
NetBIOS3.81.00Name resolutionName service protocol of NetBIOS API137
SSDP30.89.92SEARCH requestDiscovery of UPnP-enabled hosts1900
CharGen358.81.00Character generation requestLegacy character generation protocol19
QOTD140.31.00Quote requestLegacy “quote-of-the-day” protocol17
BitTorrent3.81.58File searchBitTorrent’s Kademlia DHT impl.Any
Kad16.31.00Peer list exchangeeMule’s Kademlia DHT impl.Any
Quake 363.91.01Server info exchangeGames using the Quake 3 engine27960
Steam5.51.12Server info exchangeGames using the steam protocol27015
ZAv236.01.02Peer list and cmd exchangeP2P-based rootkit164XY
Sality37.31.00URL list exchangeP2P-based malware dropperAny
Gameover45.45.39Peer and proxy exchangeP2P-based banking TrojanAny