
We consider one-dimensional, time-invariant sampled-data linear systems with constant feedback gain, an arbitrary fixed time delay, which is a multiple of the sampling period and a zero-order hold for reconstructing the sampled signal of the system in the feedback control. We obtain sufficient conditions on the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial associated with the system. We get these conditions by finding both lower and upper bounds on the coefficients. These conditions let us give both an estimation of the maximum value of the sampling period and an interval on the controller gain that guarantees the stabilization of the system.

1. Introduction

The sampled-data systems are particular cases of a general type of systems called networked control systems, that have an important value in applications (see Hespanha et al. [1], Hespanha et al. [2], Hikichi et al. [3], Meng et al. [4], Naghshtabrizi and Hespanha [5] Ögren et al. [6], Seiler and Sengupta [7] and Shirmohammadi and Woo [8]). The networked control systems can be studied either from the approach of control theory or communication theory (see Hespanha et al. [1]). Among the reported papers in control theory that have researched about networked control systems it is worth to mention the works by Zhang, Tipsuwan, and Hespanha (see Zhang et al. [9], Tipsuwan and Chow [10], and Hespanha et al. [1]).

When in networked control systems it is satisfied that the plant outputs and the control inputs are delivered at the same time, then we obtain a sampled-data system. In this paper, we focus our attention on sampled-data systems. These systems have widely been studied due to their importance in engineering applications (see Åström and Wittenmark [11], Chen and Francis [12], Franklin et al. [13], and Kolmanovskii and Myshkis [14]).

A sampled-data linear system with fixed time delay in the feedback is a continuous plant such that the feedback control of the closed loop system is discrete and has a delay , namely, where denotes the integer part of is an matrix, and is the interval between the successive sample instants and . If is a constant, it is called the sampling period and Recommendable references about time-delay systems are the books by Hale and Verduyn Lunel [15], and Kolmanovskii and Myshkis [14]. On the other hand, the theory about -dimensional sampled-data control systems can be studied in the books by Åström and Wittenmark [11] or Chen and Francis [12]. In relation with the study of sampled-data systems and the problem of proving the existence of a stabilizing control, it is worth to mention the work by Fridman et al. [16], which is based on solving a linear matrix inequality. The application of this approach has been very successful in subsequent works (see Fridman . [17], and Mirkin [18]). Another idea is to propose a control depending on a parameter and then prove that the control stabilizes the system when is small enough. This idea was developed by Yong and Arapostathis [19]. Since the existence has been proved for these last authors, now we focus on estimating an interval for . In order to reduce the difficulty of the problem, we will restrict our study to the one-dimensional sampled-data systems. These systems have attracted the attention of several researchers as they can model interesting phenomena in engineering (see, e.g., Busenberg and Cooke [20] and Cooke and Wiener [21]). We will consider the one-dimensional case of (1.1), that is, we will study the differential equation where and are given constants. Our problem is to find the values of the (gain) parameter and of the period so that the discrete control (zero-order hold) with delay makes the system (1.3) an asymptotically stable one. The time delay is considered an integer multiple of the sampling period in the sense that where is a natural number.

For the function is constant and the solution of the differential equation (1.3) is Therefore by continuity We now define From (1.6) we obtain the following difference equation: By making the change of variable , the difference equation (1.8) becomes a homogeneous difference equation of order , namely, This homogeneous difference equation of order can be rewritten as the following system of difference equations of order one. Indeed let Using (1.9), we obtain the following system of difference equations: which in matrix form becomes where

To give stability conditions of the system of difference equations, we first obtain the characteristic polynomial of the matrix : Thus the problem of stabilizing system (1.3) is equivalent to giving conditions on the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial (1.14) so that this polynomial is Schur stable. The problem of characterizing the stability region of (1.12) [or equivalently (1.14)] is considered an interesting problem [1] although it is known that it is very difficult [9]. Our objective in this paper is to find information about the stability region, which is explained below.

System (1.1) has been studied, and necessary and sufficient conditions on for the -stabilization of the system have been obtained (see Yong and Arapostathis [19]), but they are not easily verifiable. For the one-dimensional case (1.3), their result is the following. Suppose . Then the polynomial (1.14) is Schur stable if for a sufficiently small . However in a design problem we need to say how to find such an , or to obtain an estimation of the maximum sampling interval for which the stability is guaranteed, that is very important (see Hespanha et al. [1]).

In this paper, we find a such that the polynomial is Schur stable if . That is, we get an estimation of the largest with the property that the polynomial (1.15) is Schur stable for

Some general results about the stability for retarded differential equations with piecewise constant delays were obtained by Cooke and Wiener [21]. Problems (1.1) and (1.3) for continuous-time systems were studied by Yong [22, 23] with an analogous approach.

2. Main Result

Consider a polynomial such that . Our objective is to give values of the coefficient such that is Schur stable. The result is the following. Choose , then is Schur stable if satisfies the inequality .

We begin by establishing the result when the degree of is two (in fact, we have here necessary and sufficient conditions).

Theorem 2.1. Let a polynomial such that , where . Then is Schur stable if and only if

Proof. is Schur stable if and only if its coefficients satisfy [24] the following: or equivalently
To prove this last part, we define Then Since the coefficient of is positive, if and only if We have, it holds that.
On the other hand, if and only if ( and ). Now since , it holds that . Therefore, if and only if , so that [ and ] if and only if .

The arbitrary degree proof depends on the following lemma and several technical propositions that can be checked in the appendix.

Lemma 2.2. Fix an arbitrary integer . Given with and , define and where and . If satisfies , then and .

Proof. We have that if and only if (Proposition A.1) Hence to prove the lemma, it is sufficient to show that A straightforward calculation shows that inequality (2.9) holds if and only if , which is true because .
We now show that . It can be seen that and , from where
We will split the analysis into the following two cases: or
We analyze (2.11). By Proposition A.2, the first inequality in (2.11) is satisfied if and only if Since , it follows that By straightforward calculations, and since it must satisfy
For the second inequality in (2.11), we use Proposition A.3. So if and only if Since , we have the following two inequalities: Now, since we are interested in , it must satisfy
By straightforward calculations, it follows that Therefore both inequalities in (2.11) are satisfied if and only if Note that not depending on (2.12), we get that if (2.21) is satisfied, so we can omit the analysis of (2.12).
Now by hypothesis and by Proposition A.4, it holds that It follows that and consequently .

We now prove the main result for an arbitrary degree.

Theorem (fix an arbitrary integer ). Let be a polynomial such that , where . If satisfies , then we have that and is a polynomial Schur stable.

Proof. We make induction over . The case is part of Theorem 2.1. Now suppose that the theorem holds for , and let be a polynomial of degree such that
If we define the polynomials and as in lemma, then replacing and in the polynomial , we obtain If , then is a Schur stable polynomial if and only if is Schur stable [25]. The inequality was proved in the lemma.
If we define and and since the inequality is satisfied (which was proved in the lemma), then by induction hypothesis the polynomial is Schur stable if and satisfies From the equality it follows that By (2.24), or equivalently That is Comparing this with (2.26), we see that Moreover by induction hypothesis must satisfy the condition Substituting and into (2.30), we obtain The first inequality in (2.31) is equivalent to And by Proposition A.5 this holds if and only if
Now we will analyze the second inequality in (2.31) which is equivalent to By Proposition A.6, inequality (2.34) is obtained if and only if where and
By Proposition A.7, So that (2.34) is satisfied if and only if Moreover by Proposition A.8, Thus (2.32) and (2.34) are satisfied if and only if We now analyze the right-hand side of (2.39). Let By Proposition A.9, it holds that is increasing and convex, and .
We now get the equation of the tangent line of the function at the point . To do this, we use fact hat and . So that the equation of the tangent line passing through the point is . Therefore if , then from which Theorem 2.3 follows.

Remark 2.4. Note that the inequality implies that the number in (1.3) must be positive since with and then: is satisfied if and only if .

The next corollary is a consequence of our results.

Corollary 2.5. Suppose that the system (1.3) has a proportional control (1.4) with delay and suppose that . If the sampling period and the gain of the controller satisfy then the sampled-data system is stabilizable.

3. Example

We consider the sampled-data system where the values of the parameters are , and . The difference equation (1.8) is and the characteristic polynomial (1.12) associated with the system is which is Schur stable for by Theorem 2.1. Furthermore by Corollary 2.5 the maximum sampling period is and the interval for the gain of the controller is Now for , the interval of the gain that guaranties the stabilization of the system is For the sampled-data system is stable as the characteristic polynomial has roots with modulus less than one: , , , and


In what follows we prove several inequalities.

Proposition A.1. If and , then

Proof. Replacing the value of , we see that
Let . The roots of the equation are and . Since the coefficient of is positive, then if and only if . But since , we obtain .

Proposition A.2. If , then

Proof. Substituting into the first inequality, we see that if and only if Let , then Since the coefficient of is negative,

Proposition A.3. If , then if and only if

Proof. Replacing into the inequality , we get That is, Let Then Since the coefficient of is negative,

Proposition A.4. If and , then

Proof. If we let then the previous inequality becomes which is satisfied if and only if But this is true because the discriminant of this quadratic function is negative for and the coefficient of is positive.
If , the assumption for becomes and since we get that , that is, then . On the other hand, the left-hand side of inequality (A.15) becomes which is positive and the proposition follows.

Proposition A.5. If and , then in and only if .

Proof. If is replaced in the first inequality, we obtain By hypothesis or equivalently . Since for all . Therefore the first inequality is satisfied if and only if .

Proposition A.6. If , then where and .

Proof. The inequality is equivalent to Replacing into the last inequality, we see that this is equivalent to say that , where Since and the coefficient of is negative, it holds that

Proposition A.7. Fix an arbitrary If , then

Proof. We have that if and only iffor all , and the result follows.

Proposition A.8. If , it holds that

Proof. We have that if and only if
From the definition of this is true if and only if if and only if . Since and . Then the inequality is satisfied.

Proposition A.9. Let for . Then
(a) ; (b) ( is convex); (c) , and

Proof. It is elementary.