
This paper deals with the existence of positive solutions for the elliptic problems with sublinear and superlinear nonlinearities in , in , on , where is a real parameter, . is a bounded domain in , and and are some given functions. By means of variational method and super-subsolution method, we obtain some results about existence of positive solutions.

1. Introduction

In this paper, we consider the elliptic problems with sublinear and superlinear nonlinearities where   is a real parameter,  .   is a bounded domain in , and  and are some given functions which satisfies the following assumptions:(),  ,  ,  where ,   are positive constants,

or(), ,  ,  where is a positive constant.

For convenience, we denote with hypothesis or by and , respectively.

Such problems occur in various branches of mathematical physics and population dynamics, and sublinear analogues or superlinear analogues of have been considered by many authors in recent years (see [19] and their references). But most of such studies have been concerned with equations of the type involving sublinear nonlinearity (see [36, 8, 9]), with only few references dealing with the elliptic problems with sublinear and superlinear nonlinearities. In [1], Ambrosetti et al. deal with the analogue of with . It is known from [2] that there exist , such that problem has a solution if   and has no solution if ,  provided on .

Our goal in this paper is to show how variational method and super-subsolution method can be used to establish some existence results of problem . We work on the Sobolev space  equipped with the norm  .   For  we define   by

Let be the first eigenvalue of

  denotes the corresponding eigenfunction satisfying  .  ,  , denotes Lebesgue spaces, and the norm in is denoted by .

2. The Existence of Positive Solution of

It is well known that Define  ;   from (2.1) we know  ,  so we can split the domain into two parts: and , where . Let  ;  we obtain that    by the positivity of   in  ,  and    is nonempty when    is small enough.

Theorem 2.1. Let  ,   satisfy assumption ,  and  , where   is the limiting exponent in the Sobolev embedding. Then there exists a constant   such that possesses at least a weak positive solution  for  .

Proof. Let    denote the positive solution of the following equation: Here and hereafter we use the following notations: ,   ,   . Since , for all ,  there exists    satisfying Observing that  ,  as a consequence, the function    verifies and hence it is a supersolution of .  Let  ,  ,  . For , we have or . We will discuss it from two conditions.
(I)  For all , observing that and when is small enough, we have Since , then it follows that ,  .  From (2.5) we infer Multiplying (2.6) with ,  we get It follows that
(II)  For all  , there exists  ,  such that  for all  , and we have Since ,  then we have  (and  ).  From (2.9), it follows that From (2.8) and (2.10), we derive that there exists    such that   for all  ,   for all  , that is,   is a subsolution of . Taking as sufficiently large, we also have   by minimal principle. Define  ,  and let ,   then is closed and convex (and weakly closed). Let ,  for all  .  We consider the function Observe that  ,  ;  we infer that   is coercive, bounded, since it is blow and weakly lower semicontinuous. Using this fact, we conclude that there exists , such that (see [10]). In the following, we will prove that is a solution of problem .
For , define , such that Clearly, achieves its minimum at  , and For all  ,  ,  define Obviously,  ,  and inserting (2.15) into (2.14),  we find Since and are supersolution and subsolution, respectively, then Observe that meas, meas, as , Since  , it follows that Similar to (2.19), we have Similar to (2.18), as  , it follows that As , we also have Inserting (2.17), (2.19), and (2.20) into (2.16), we find Dividing by and letting  , using (2.18), (2.21), and (2.22), we derive Noting that is arbitrary, this holds equally for  , and it follows that is indeed a weak solution of ,  and the strong maximum principle yields  ,  in . Therefore it is a weak positive solution of .

3. The Existence of Positive Solution of

Theorem 3.1. Let ,   satisfy assumption ,  and  . Then there exists ,  ,  such that(i)for all problem has a minimal solution such that . Moreover is increasing with respect to ;(ii)for   problem has at least one weak solution ;(iii)for all    problem   has no solution.

To prove Theorem 3.1, let us define First of all we prove a useful lemma.

Lemma 3.2. One has .

Proof. Let denote the solution of the following equation: Since  ,  we can find    such that for all    there exists    satisfying As a consequence,  the function verifies and hence it is a supersolution of .  Moreover, let denote the solution of the following problem: (From [3] we know that exists.)  Then is a subsolution of , provided which is satisfied for all    small enough and all  . Taking    as possibly smaller,  we also have It follows that   has a solution ,   whenever , and thus .  
Next, let be such that If is such that    has a solution , multiplying by and integrating over we find This and (3.5)  immediately imply that    and show that  ,  hence  .

We are now ready to give the proof of Theorem 3.1.

Proof. (i) From the proof of lemma, it follows that, for all  ,   problem    has a solution .  Let satisfy (3.5); the iteration satisfies    by making use of Lemma  3.3 of [1] and maximum principle. It is easy to check that is a minimal solution of  . Indeed, if is any solution of ,  then    and is a supersolution of  . Thus  ,  for all  , by induction, and . Next, we will prove that . Indeed, Since is a solution of   we have From Lemma  3.5 of [1], we know In particular with , we infer Combining (3.12) and (3.14), we obtain To complete the proof of (i), it remains to show that Indeed, if   then is a supersolution of  . Since, for    small,    is a subsolution of and  ,  then possesses a solution , with Since is the minimal solution of , we infer that  .   Moreover Since    (because ), then the Hopf Maximum principle yields  .
(ii) Let be a sequence such that  ; then from    we deduce that there exists such that Then there exists such that a.e. in , strongly in and weakly in . Such a is thus a weak solution of   for .
(iii) This follows from the definition of .


This work supported by the Physics and Mathematics Foundation of Changzhou University (ZMF10020065).