Research Article

The Forecasting Procedure for Long-Term Wind Speed in the Zhangye Area

Table 3

ARCH test.

𝐹 -statistic2.357606Probability0.124818

Method: Least Squares

VariableCoefficientStd. Error 𝑡 -StatisticProb.

𝐶 0.7225150.03461420.873380.0000
RESID 2 ( 1 ) 0.0328360.0213861.5354500.1248
𝑅 -squared0.001078Mean dependent var0.747041
Adjusted 𝑅 -squared0.083768S.D. dependent var0.833057
S.E. of regression0.797402Akaike info criterion2.259945
Sum squared resid1383.610Schwarz criterion2.288566
Log likelihood−2460.250 𝐹 -statistic20.98596
Durbin-Watson stat1.936123Prob ( 𝐹 -statistic) 0.000000