Research Article

Modified HPMs Inspired by Homotopy Continuation Methods

Table 1

Comparison between the obtained solution against standard HPM, NHPM, and MHPM.

Equation A.A.R.E

Exact (3.12) 0.90000 3.19238 3.70353 3.78942 3.80354
Standard HPM  (5.11) 0.90030 3.18849 3.71018 3.77959 3.78596 2.1E-3
NDHPM (5.15) 0.89683 3.15115 3.69957 3.80464 3.81005 4.6E-3
NDHPM (5.16) 0.89507 3.18285 3.71046 3.78875 3.79869 2.4E-3
NDHPM (5.17) 0.89995 3.18236 3.71951 3.79145 3.79918 1.8E-3
NDHPM (5.18) 0.89959 3.18200 3.71213 3.78935 3.79881 1.5E-3
MHPM (5.26) 0.90000 3.19779 3.69563 3.80349 3.82687 2.7E-3
MHPM (5.27) 0.90196 3.19330 3.70794 3.78087 3.78974 1.90E-3
MHPM (5.28) 0.90072 3.19141 3.70912 3.77924 3.78715 1.92E-3
MHPM (5.29) 0.89942 3.18899 3.70782 3.77748 3.78523 2.2E-3
MHPM (5.30) 0.90032 3.19308 3.70812 3.78578 3.79625 0.9E-3
MHPM (5.31) 0.89959 3.19069 3.70832 3.77843 3.78635 1.94E-3