Research Article

An Improved Harmony Search Based on Teaching-Learning Strategy for Unconstrained Optimization Problems

Algorithm 4

The improvisation process of new harmony in HSTL algorithm.
, 2, , HMS); // randomly select as optimization target vector
For     to     do
If  rand( ) ≤ HMCR      //(a) Harmony memory consideration
Else  If rand( ) ≤ TLP  //(b) Teaching-Learning strategy
If rand( ) ≤ 0.5
    // Teaching
    // Learning
Randomly select and from
    If   is better than
Else  If rand(0, 1) ≤ PAR  // (c) Local pitch adjusting strategy
Else  If rand(0, 1) ≤    // (d) Random mutation operator
End  If
End  For