Research Article

Mixed Static and Dynamic Optimization of Four-Parameter Functionally Graded Completely Doubly Curved and Degenerate Shells and Panels Using GDQ Method

Pseudocode 3

Particle Swarm Optimization pseudocode.
Step Set number of particles ( ), number of parameters for each particle ( ), max
   number of generations ( ), convergence tolerance ( ) and the number of
   consecutive no improvements loops ( ), (ratio between position and speed)
Step Set particles boundary values: ,
Step Randomly generate particles position and velocity
Step Evaluate fitness function
Step Set , , ,
Step for to
Step for to
Step     Compute Volume fraction distribution ( ) in the thickness for
Step      while
Step      end while
Step    Evaluate fitness
Step      for
Step      if then and
Step      if then and
Step      end for
Step   end for
Step end for