Research Article

Design, Dynamics, and Workspace of a Hybrid-Driven-Based Cable Parallel Manipulator

Table 1

Parameters of the HDCPM.

System parametersValue

Mass of the end-effector 20 kg
Acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m/s2
Height of the cable tower rack 1 m
Side length of four towers distributed in rectangle 1 m
Side length of four towers distributed in rectangle 1 m
Length of the cable 2.3 m
Length of the EO 1 m
Length of the Link AB 0.2 m
Length of the Link BC 0.5 m
Length of the Link CD 0.5 m
Length of the Link ED 0.28 m
Length of the Link AE 0.51 m
Density of the Links  kg/m3
Cross-sectional area of the Links  m2