Research Article

Test-Cost-Sensitive Attribute Reduction of Data with Normal Distribution Measurement Errors

Table 1

An example of numerical value attribute decision table.

Plant SL SW PL PW Class

0.23529 0.77273 0.14286 0.04762 Setosa
0.29412 0.72727 0.11905 0.04762 Setosa
0.35294 0.09091 0.38095 0.42857 Versicolor
0.64706 0.31818 0.52381 0.52381 Versicolor
0.41176 0.31818 0.50000 0.42857 Versicolor
0.58824 0.54545 0.85714 1.00000 Virginica
0.44118 0.27273 0.64286 0.71429 Virginica