Research Article

An Improved Task Scheduling Algorithm for Intelligent Control in Tiny Mechanical System

Table 1

The structure of Webit&NEU OS kernel.

Function moduleImplementation of system calls

(a) Task management services(i) CREATE TASK: Creating and scheduling a system task dynamically.
(ii) DELETE TASK: Deleting a specific system task.
(iii) GET FUNCTION ID: Obtaining task’s function ID (00H to 0FFH).
(iv) SUSPEND TASK: Suspending a task of being executed.

(b) Intertask communication services(i) ALLOCATE: Allocating buffer space where a task creates a message for sending.
(ii) SEND MESSAGE: Sending a message to the specific destination.
(iii) WAIT MESSAGE: Causing a task to wait for receiving a message.
(iv) DEALLOCATE: Returning a buffer allocated to the system buffer.

(c) Internal memory management services(i) GET MEMORY: Getting the address of a block of internal memory with specific length is currently available in the system.
(ii) RELESE MEMORY: Returning a block of memory of specific length to the system memory pool.

(d) Interrupt-handling services(i) DISABLE INTERRUPT: Disabling specific interrupts.
(ii) ENABLE INTERRUPT: Reenabling disabled interrupts.
(iii) SYNCHRONIZE: Synchronizing tasks with interrupts.

(e) Timing services(i) SET INTERVAL: Setting a time interval when the interval event has occurred.
(ii) WAIT TIME: Waiting for interval event or timeout to occur.