Research Article

Fault Diagnosis for Compensating Capacitors of Jointless Track Circuit Based on Dynamic Time Warping

Table 5

Description of the diagnosis (classification) experiment based on SVM.


Vector dimension (the number of sampling points in a curve)156

The number of classes17

Training data set1 vector per class (without noise)

Testing data set50 vectors per class (with ±0.005 V uniformly distributed measurement noise and smoothing filtering with 3 points)

SVM toolLIBSVM [29]

Scaling scheme [30]Vectors in training data set are linearly consistently scaled to the range , and testing data set has the same scaling proportion as the training data set

SVM typeC-SVM [29]

Kernel type for SVMLinear kernel

Penalty factor of the error term in C-SVM

Testing resultClassification accuracy = 100%