Research Article

Heuristics for Synthesizing Robust Networks with a Diameter Constraint

Algorithm 3

Synthesizing robust networks with maximum algebraic connectivity subject to diameter constraints.
Let be a set of cuts which must be satisfied by any feasible solution
(1)Input: A graph , , , , and a finite number of unit vectors,
(2)Choose any spanning tree satisfying the diameter constraint as an initial feasible solution,
(6)  Replace the semi-definite constraint in (B.1) with , and with additional
 constraint, satisfying and solve the ILP.
(7)if  the above ILP is infeasible  then
(8)   break loop   is the optimal solution}
(10)    solution to the above ILP
(12)   if     then
(13)    Augment with a constraint where is the eigenvector corresponding to a negative
   eigenvalue of .
(14)    Go to step 6.
(15)   end if
(16)  end if
(17)   let be a small number}
(18) end loop