Research Article

A Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Search Space Division and Disruptive Selection Strategy

Algorithm 1

Standard artificial bee colony algorithm.
Step  1. population initialization based on (1).
Step  2. Calculate fitness value by (2).
Step  3. cycle = 1
Step  4. Repeat
Step  5. Update the position of the employed bee by (3).
Step  6. A greedy selection strategy is applied to select the better food source.
Step  7. Calculate probability value by (4).
Step  8. Update the position of the onlooker bee by (3).
Step  9. A greedy selection strategy is applied to select the better food source.
Step  10. Determine the abandoned position, and generate a new position by (1).
Step  11. Memorize the best food source achieved till now. cycle = cycle + 1
Step  12. Until (cycle = maximum cycle number)