Research Article

A Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Search Space Division and Disruptive Selection Strategy

Algorithm 4

                    Population initialization
Step  1. Set population size CS, the number of food sources , the non-improvement number of food source ,
   the number of maximum iterations , and the number of parameters .
Step  2. Generate initial solutions using population initialization based on SSD as in (5) and (6), and calculate their fitness
   values by (7) and (8).
Step  3. cycle = 1
Step  4.Whilecycledo
                    Employed bee phase
     For = 1 : do
      Update the position of the employed bee based on (3).
      Check whether it is out of boundaries or not.
      Calculate fitness value by (7) and (8).
      A greedy selection strategy is applied to select the better food source.
      A food source doesn’t improve = + 1, otherwise = 0 where represents
       the number of the th trial.
     End for
                    Onlooker bee phase
Step  5.  Calculate based on (9), and initialize = 0, = 0.
     While < then do
      If random <then do
       Update the position of the onlooker bee by (3).
       Check whether it is out of boundaries or not.
       Calculate fitness value by (7) and (8).
       A greedy selection strategy is applied to select the better food source.
       A food source doesn’t improve = + 1, otherwise = 0.
      End if
     End while ( = )
                     Scout bee phase
Step  6.    if > then do
      Generate a new food source for the scout bee by (10).
     End if
Step  7.   Memorize optimal solution achieved till now. cycle = cycle + 1;
Step  8. End while (cycle = )