Research Article

Feature Based Stereo Matching Using Two-Step Expansion

Figure 1

Two cameras are indicated by their centres and and their image planes and . There are 4 3D points , , , and in uniform 3D planar surface , and the point projects to and in the images and , respectively. Line in the right image and line in the left image are epipolar lines separately with respect to points and . Two camera centres, 3-space point , and its images and lie in an epipolar plane . The intersection of the planes and determines the line in 3D. The 3D points , , and are the closest points on the line to the 3D points , , and . Points , , and in the left image and points , , and in the right image are projected by 3D points , , and , and points , , and lie on the line , and points , , and lie on the line .