Review Article

Comprehensive Review on Divisible Load Theory: Concepts, Strategies, and Approaches

Table 1

A brief list of studied topics in the area of divisible load theory.

Topics Developer(s) References

The DLT originated Cheng, Agrawal [1, 2]
Closed form for bus and treeRobertazzi, Sameer, Hsiung [6, 7]
Optimal condition for the DLTSohn, Robertazzi[3]
Linear programming model for the DLT Hillier, Robertazzi[112, 131]
Multi-installment processing of the DLT Veeravalli, Ghose, mani [13]
The DLT with finite-size buffers Veeravalli, Li, Ko [32]
The DLT with memory limitation Drozdowski, Berlinska [33, 35, 64]
The DLT applied for grid computing Moges, Yu, Robertazzi [70, 75]
The adaptive DLT Ghose, Kim, Kim[55, 119]
Cheat processors in the DLT Carroll, Grosu [62, 63]
The DLT with nonlinear cost Tsun, Suresh, Kim, Robertazzi [53, 71]
The DLT and Markov chain models Moges, Robertazzi[51, 118]
Multi-source/Multi-site Moges, Veeravalli, Li, Min, Yu, Robertazzi[52, 67]
[114, 115]
The real time DLT Lin, Mamat, Lu[58, 61, 108]
Time varying in the DLTSohn, Robertazzi [16, 19]
Multi-criteria divisible load Ghanbari, Othman [77]
Complexity problem concerning the DLTYang, Casanova, Drozdowski, Berlinska[64, 76]