Research Article

Improving the Bin Packing Heuristic through Grammatical Evolution Based on Swarm Intelligence

Table 5

Rankings of the algorithms.


Exact 2.666667
PESO-Grammar 3 4.375000
PSO-Grammar 3 4.791667
BestFit-Offline 6.916667
FirstFit-Offline 7.250000
PESO-Grammar 2 8.666667
BestFit 8.791667
PSO-Grammar 2 8.791667
FirstFit 8.958333
PESO-Grammar 1 9.083333
PSO-Grammar 1 9.083333
WorstFit-Offline 9.541667
AlmostWorstFit-Offline 10.625000
WorstFit 10.791667
NextFit 12.250000
AlmostWorstFit 14.291667
NextFit-Offline 16.125000