Research Article

Node-Dependence-Based Dynamic Incentive Algorithm in Opportunistic Networks

Algorithm 1

The Node-dependence-based dynamic gaming incentive algorithm.
(1) Initialize the parameters in Table 1 and the weight coefficient when nodes encounter
at the first time, and Calculate NAC, NIC, and NDD.
(2) Node asks node for relaying a packet, and waits for ’s response.
(3)  if   rejects
(4)    if   == false
(5)       + 1
(6)    end  if
(7)    if   == false and
(8)       true
(10)  end  if
(11)   else
(12)     if   == true
(14)        if  
(15)           false
(16)        end  if
(17)     end  if
(18)     if   is not punished for a time period
(20)    end  if
(21) end  if