Research Article

A Modularity Degree Based Heuristic Community Detection Algorithm

Algorithm 1

Iteration procedure of MDBH algorithm.
Input: Adjacent matrix of network
Output: Intermediate community detection result of
  Step  1. Get community which the current node belongs to, find the maximum
  value of , . Suppose S to be the summation of the degree
  of all members’ in one community.
    IF   , go to Step  3.
    IF more than one communities make be maximum are found
      Choose the community having the largest as . If more than one
      communities having the largest are found, randomly choose one as .
  Step  2. Calculate and determine the inequality (5) of
   , if the inequality is true, then update the network as follows:
    (1) Delete node from the original community , and merge node into
    community , update .
    (2) .
    (3) .
    (4) For each neighbor node of node , let ,
  Step  3. Traverse the network sequentially to get next node , if exists, go to Step  1,
  else go to Step  4.
  Step  4. and end of this iteration.