Research Article

Service Capacity Reserve under Uncertainty by Hospital’s ER Analogies: A Practical Model for Car Services

Table 3

List of acronyms: parameters and variables-simulation inputs and outputs.


LabRetail labour rateDMS dataConstant
NtecNumber of available techniciansConstant
WBNTotal number of staffed work baysConstant
Number of work bays per technician (WBN/Ntec)Constant (from 1 to 2)

(b) Simulation Random Inputs

AcronymDefinitionSourceProb. distribution

EDElective demandDMS dataARIMA
HPRESWorking time per month (hours) (399,65; 85,92)
InvoTInvoiced time (373,76; 76,9)
NEDNonelective demand (NED = TV – ED)ARIMA
NvehNumber of vehicles arriving to the service per day (6,13; 1,85)
PartsCostCost of parts sale (21297,95; 11963,79)
PSParts sale (27278,41; 13517,82)
TVTotal demandARIMA
WDMWorking days per month (21; 1)
WTDDaily working time (hours per day) (6,51; 1,13)

(c) Simulation random outputs


ATPVAverage cycle service time per vehicle (hours)Queuing + simulation
CAPService incremental capacity
CAPRNEDCapacity reserve cost to serve all nonelective demands
CAPRNED1Capacity reserve cost to serve 1 unexpected vehicle
CEWEmpty work bay cost estimation
DMSDealer management system
EFCService system efficiency
EFCTecOperating efficiency per technician
EFCVehOperating efficiency per vehicle
GSRMonthly gross service revenue estimation
InvoTnInvoiced time estimation
OCCService occupancy
PartsCostnCost of parts sale estimation
PFunitProfit per vehicle in service
PSnParts sale estimation
PstecParts sale per technician
TcustCustomer waiting time
TEXPMonthly workshop total cost estimation
TpartsParts lead time
TPFService total gross profit estimation
TSRTotal preparation time. TSR = TCust + TParts
TSWService time per vehicle
VhWAverage number of vehicles that are being worked
WtecAverage number of technicians that are working

(d) Other queuing system outputs


f(den_1)Mathematical operatorQueuing + simulation
FTIFraction of time that a technician is idle
Average number of vehicles in the Q-NTec
LqAverage number of vehicles in the queue
Probability vehicles are in the queuing system (Q-Ntec)
PoProbability of no calling units in the queuing system
Po−1Po inverse
Arrival rate vehicles/hour
Service rate vehicles/hour