Research Article

Predicting the Times of Retweeting in Microblogs

Table 1

Data tags and their meanings.

timeThe time when a re-tweeting message is issued, whose form is yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss
midThe unique identification ID of the re-tweeting message
uidThe user ID who publishes the re-tweeting message
isContainLinkWhether the re-tweeting message contains a link, whose value is of kind Boolean (true or false)
eventListThe event tags of the re-tweeting messages, that is, its keywords
rtTimeThe time when the re-tweeted original tweet is published, whose form is yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss
rtMidThe message ID of the original tweet
rtUidThe user ID who publishes the original tweet
rtIsContainLinkWhether the original message contains a link, whose value is of kind Boolean (true or false)
rtEventListThe event tags of the original messages