Research Article

Composite Differential Evolution with Modified Oracle Penalty Method for Constrained Optimization Problems

Algorithm 1

The framework of MOCoDE algorithm.
NP: the population size.
Max_FES: maximum number of function evaluation.
Ω: the oracle pamameter.
the generation strategies pool: “rand/1/bin”, “rand/2/bin”, and “current-to-rand/1”.
the control parameters pool: [, = 0.1], [], and [].
(2)if there are discrete variables, then the generalized discrete variables handling method is used,
(3)generate an initial population by uniformly and randomly sampling from the search landspace,
(4)measure the constraint violations with the residual function for each individual in current population,
(5)evaluate the modified oracle penatly function values for each individual in current population,
(6)FES = NP;
(7)while FES < Max_FES do
(9)for   : NP do
(10) use the three strategies, with a control parameter setting randomly selected from the control parameter pool, to generate three
trial vectors and for the target vector ;
(11) measure the constraint violations with the residual function values of the three trial vectors and ;
(12) evaluate the modified oracle penatly function values of the three trial vectors and ;
(13) choose the best trial vector and add it into ;
(14) FES = FES + 3;
(15) end for
(16) ;
(17) end while
(18) select the individual with the smallest modified oracle penatly function value in the population
Output: the objective function value