Research Article

Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for Continuous Space Optimization Based on Multiple Chains Encoding Method of Quantum Bits

Pseudocode 3

(1) Initialize the colony .
(2) Construct by solution space transformation.
(3) Obtain the optimum solution of the current among and the current  optimum chromosome among
  by evaluating .
(4) Store into and into .
While (not termination-condition)
(5) Calculate by updating and mutating the states of .
   Determine by solution space transformation.
(6) Obtain the optimum solution of the current among and the current optimum chromosome among
    by evaluating .
(7) If
(8) The procedure of FCQIEA can be summarized as follows:
   Step  1. Initialize the population. Let the current generation ; generate an initial
population , which has individual qubits. Set the magnitude of the rotational angle ,
, and , respectively. Set as the mutation and as the maximum generation.
   Step  2. Transform the solution space. Four approximate solutions in each chromosome are transformed from the unit space
to the solution space of the continuous optimization problem (1); thus, the set of approximate solution
can be obtained.
   Step  3. Compute the fitness. By computing the fitness of approximate solutions, obtain the best solution in the
current solution and the best chromosome in the current chromosome. Store as the global optimum solution
and store as the global optimum chromosome .
   Step  4. Set . Update and mutate . Calculate the new population .
   Step  5. Transform the solution space again and obtain a set of approximate solution .
   Step  6. By computing the fitness of , determine the current optimum solution and the current optimum.
chromosome If , then update the current optimum solution ; at the same time,
update the current optimum chromosome to avoid population degradation. Otherwise, let
and so that the algorithm approaches the global optimum solution.
   Step  7. If the algorithm does not converge and if , then go back to Step 4 until the algorithm
becomes convergent or until .