Research Article

Image Encryption Using the Chaotic Josephus Matrix

Algorithm 1

The generation of a Josephus permutation sequence.
Input:  , the initial total number of persons in a circle
    , the starting position in the circle
    , the counting period
Output:   , the Josephus permutation sequence according to parameter set
count = 0; done = 0; pos = ; label = zeros(1, ); ; % initial settings
while ( done) % main loop
   todo = label(pos);
   if (todo == 0) % if this person has not been taken out
      count = count + 1;
      if (count == ) % if this is the th person
          (end + 1) = pos; count = 0; label(pos) = 1;
         if (length( ) == )
            done = 1;
   pos = pos + 1;
   if (pos > )
     pos = 1;