Research Article

Branch and Bound Algorithms for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Subject to Nonrenewable Resources with Prescheduled Procurement

Algorithm 3

Pseudocode of lower bound determination method based on modified critical path length.
(1)  Fix EST of scheduled activities
(2) Determine PBEST of unscheduled activities
(3) Determine EST of unscheduled activities equal to their RBEST
(4) Terminate lower bound determination process and fathom the node if for an activity
(5) Perform interval-based disjunctive consistency test and continue the process from Step  2 if at least one new precedence
   relation is introduced by the test
(6) Perform unit interval consistency test and if a resource shortage happens, terminate lower bound determination process and
   fathom the node
(7) Report start time of the last dummy activity as critical path based lower bound