Research Article

A Constrained Power Method for Community Detection in Complex Networks

Table 1

Networks used in evaluations.


Karate (34)Friendship of 34 members in a club [17]
Dolphins (62)Frequent associations of dolphins [18]
Lesmis (77)Character interactions in a book [19]
Polbooks (105)Copurchase of politics books from
Adjnoun (112)Adjacency of adjs and nouns net [3]
Football (115)US college football games in 2000 [4]
Polblogs (1224)Hyperlinks of US politics weblogs [20]
Netsci (1461)A coauthorship net [3]
Power (4941)A power grid topology net [21]
Hepth (7610)A coauthorship net [22]
Astroph (16046)A coauthorship net [22]
Condmat (16264)A coauthorship net [22]
Internet (22963)Snap shot of internet (