Research Article

A Local and Global Search Combined Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Convergence Analysis

Pseudocode 1

Step  1: Let parameters; including swarm size PS, maximum of generation endgen and others
    parameters will be used in LGSCPSO algorithm.
Step  2: Iteration process
  (i) Generate stochastically initialization population and velocity;
  (ii) Evaluate each particle’s fitness;
  (iii) Initialize position with the lowest fitness particle in the whole swarm;
  (iv) Initialize position with a copy of particle itself;
  (v) Initialize position with the best particle of initializing population;
  (vi) k 0;
While (the maximum endgen of generation is not met)
(i) k ;
(ii) Generate next swarm by (3), (4);
(iii) Evaluate swarm;
   { (a) Compute each particle’s fitness in the swarm;
      (b) Find new , of the swarm and of each particle by comparison, and update and ;
      (c) Update using the best particle of generation colony;}
Step  3: Output optimization results.