Research Article

Component Thermodynamical Selection Based Gene Expression Programming for Function Finding

Algorithm 4

Pseudocode of CTSGEP algorithm.
GEP Based on Component Thermodynamical Selection
 Step  1   Create a random initial population ;
 Step  2   Evaluate the population , and calculate the absolute energy of each individual
according to (6);
 Step  3   , , ;
 Step  4   Compute the absolute energy window according to (7);
 Step  5   while (FES < MAX_FES)
       for ( ; ; )
         Create M new individuals by the uniform selection, mutation,
      transposition-insertion and recombination operator;
        Establish the offspring population by the M new individuals;
        Evaluate the population , and calculate the absolute energy of each
      individual according to (6);
        Save the best individual;
       Compute the absolute energy window according to (8);
       Utilize CTS operator to select N individuals from for the next generation;
 Step  6   Output the best individual.