Research Article

A Free Search Krill Herd Algorithm for Functions Optimization

Algorithm 1

Krill herd algorithm.
  Initialization. Set the generation counter ; initialize the population of krill individuals randomly and each
     krill corresponds to a potential solution to the given problem; set the foraging speed , maximum diffusion
     speed , and maximum induced speed ;
  Fitness evaluation. Evaluate each krill individual according to its position.
   While the termination criterion is not satisfied or Generation do
      Sort the population krill from best to worst.
       for   (all krill) do
       Perform the following motion calculation.
         Motion induced by the presence of other individuals
         Foraging motion
         Physical diffusion
       Implement the genetic operators.
       Update the krill individual position in the search space.
       Evaluate each krill individual according to its new position.
       end for
       Sort the population krill from best to worst and find the current best.
   End While
     Post-processing the results and visualization.