Research Article

Surface Thermal Insulation and Pipe Cooling of Spillways during Concrete Construction Period

Table 4

Highest temperature and maximum stress of the spillway cast according to different programs in summer.

Program Inside the concrete Surface of the concrete
Highest temperature [°C] Maximum along-the-flow stress [MPa]Age [day] Safety factor Maximum along-the-flow stress [MPa] Age [day] Safety factor

Program 1 41.75 3.89 207 1.15 3.37 201 1.33
Program 2 37.19 3.25 213 1.37 3.18 205 1.40
Program 3 37.60 2.87 225 1.56 2.73 219 1.64
Program 4 35.42 2.50 225 1.79 1.77 215 2.53