Research Article

Development of a Hand Gestures SDK for NUI-Based Applications

Table 3

Gestures used in “Edit Scene” and actions for gestures.

Grip handGestureActions

RightMenuOpen the list of furniture/items
RightRightOpen the list of furniture/items on the right
RightLeftOpen the list of furniture/items on the left
RightUpGo to the next page of the list of furniture/items
RightDownGo to the previous page of the list of furniture/items
LeftViewLook around the house in the process of decoration
LeftSaveSave the house in the process of decoration
Left/rightScale upIncrease the size of the selected furniture/item
Left/rightScale downReduce the size of the selected furniture/item
Left/rightRotate leftRotate the selected furniture counterclockwise
Left/rightRotate rightRotate the selected furniture/item clockwise
Left/rightTop viewChange the camera view to top
Left/rightQuarter viewChange the camera view to quarter