Research Article

A Mutualism Quantum Genetic Algorithm to Optimize the Flow Shop Scheduling with Pickup and Delivery Considerations

Algorithm 1

MQGA (mutualism quantum genetic algorithm).
Step  1. Set parameters: crossover probability , mutation probability , iterative
   generation GN, two subpopulations sizes , .
Step  2. Initialize subpopulations in hybrid -bit representation.
While () do
Step 3. If (subpopulation is not empty)
     Apply mutualism strategy, rescale the size of subpopulations according to population growth model.
Step  4. Perform selection, crossover, mutation operations in each subpopulation;
Step  5. If (catastrophe condition is satisfied)
     Perform catastrophe operation.
     Apply quantum rotation operation.
Step  6. Calculate objective value and fitness value of each individual in the current generation,
   and update the best solution if possible.
Output the global best result.