Research Article

Identifying Key Factors for Introducing GPS-Based Fleet Management Systems to the Logistics Industry

Table 23

Performance assessment of twelve criteria.


Top executives support ()6065656560605565655061
User recognition ()8580707575658075807076
Funding and budget ()7575607580756060657070
Project team composition ()9095858590909085959590
Project management and monitoring ()8075807585758090908081
Education and training ()8080809085758080909083
Timely and correct information ()8580909085908085808085
Degree of difficulty software and hardware maintenance ()7075657580756060707070
Complete degree of transmission equipment ()9095859090909085958590
Experience and ability of consultant ()7575758080807570707576
Coordination and communication ()7075808580757080807077
Customer acceptance ()8075707575708075807075