Research Article

Theoretical Expectation versus Practical Performance of Jackson’s Heuristic

Table 6

20 instances of 100 jobs. The processing time drawn from the interval . The instances that are not shown in the table were solved optimally.

Emerging job Overflow job δκAprox. ratio

2 1526 98 2515 1590 45 1715 −63 3001 1652 −125 62 4653 4591 74 1.0135
4 1137 30 1967 1189 70 1200 4 3516 1204 −11 15 4720 4705 313.6 1.0031
8 3958 68 4999 4697 10 4716 19 0 4735 −19 38 4735 4697 123.6 1.0080
12 110 78 379 139 33 139 51 4577 190 0 51 4767 4716 92.4 1.0108
13 1169 71 3905 1209 46 1317 −70 3399 1247 −108 38 4646 4608 121.2 1.0082
15 2518 80 4720 4197 55 4218 26 498 4244 −21 47 4742 4695 99.8 1.0100
17 130 76 823 238 24 203 24 4513 227 −25 49 4740 4691 95.1 1.0104
20 1402 42 4239 3227 75 3258 7 1458 3265 −31 38 4723 4685 123.2 1.0081